Hey! Thanks for using this screen recorder!
- This web app is completely free to use and open source with no ads at all. It was made using
pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Click here to view the source code on GitHub.
- It's private. There are no analytics, trackers, or cookies. All recordings are processed
locally, on-device. No data is sent to a server.
- It's also a Progressive Web App (PWA)! This means you can "install" it on your device
for easy access and to use when offline. It works on Chrome OS, macOS, Windows, and Linux.
- Click here to learn how to install a PWA in Chrome.
- You can record internal audio by selecting the "Share audio" option in the select screen pop-up.
- This web app uses modern web APIs and technologies that only work on desktop browsers, so if you're running into any issues,
please use the latest versions of Google Chrome,
Mozilla Firefox,
Microsoft Edge, or
Opera on a computer.
- If you're still running into any bugs or issues despite using a desktop browser or if you just have a feature request, you can use
this Google Form
to contact me about it and I'll do my best to look into it.
This was my first time doing web development of any kind! If you found this app handy, you can support
the creator through a PayPal donation here.
Check out my other work here.
This web app was made possible thanks to Google's Material Design components and icons.
Designed by Carson Saldanha.